the lazy capricorn
the lazy capricorn
Vol. 13 - Poem: Traveling Thoughts

Vol. 13 - Poem: Traveling Thoughts

Enjoy my mini thought stream. 🌀☁️
Short episode this week. Writing poetry again is bringing me a lot of happiness. I might share more, but definitely let me know what you think. 🤍

I want to travel and find god. I wonder if she’s proud of me.

Now I’m thinking about my grandmother.

And all of her softness. Especially in her final days.

I wonder if she’s proud of me. I barely remember her.

I supposed I could learn more about her through the few family members I’m in contact with. But, I’d rather not.

I like to think that she is. My truth is more important these days.

So maybe god is too. 


I’d love to hear your thoughts! And since I’m on my own journey with my thoughts and writing, I’d love to share writing prompts (for your journal or in the comments below) to get you to flow with your thoughts as well.

What are some of deep, introspective thoughts you’ve had while traveling?

Are there any ancestors you wish you knew more about?

How do you define god?

Leave a comment

Thank you for reading.

m. 🤍

the lazy capricorn
the lazy capricorn
just pretend i'm sending you voicenotes. this is a safe space.
tw: episodes may include talks on depression, anxiety, prescription medication, and other heavy topics in mental health. additional warnings will be added to individual episodes where applicable.
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